(I'm so behind, so many things to document. It's not fair that I have so much to say, and so much work to do!)
(Many thanks to Mark for most of the photos in this post!)
Last month, we all went to Tennessee. But we didn't make it easy on ourselves. You see, I had a conference to attend in Nashville. So Monkey and I flew to Nashville (not a direct flight from Boston, believe it or not), rented a car, and drove 3+ hours to Memphis
to spend the weekend with Tiffany and Mark.
Matt flew in to join us the next day. He flew directly to Memphis. Lucky Matt!
We had lots of fun in Memphis. Monkey met a giant teddy bear named Paddington. Or maybe he was a dog. No one's sure.
We parked at Parking Can Be Fun.
We went to the Peabody Hotel to see its most famous residents, the ducks.
These ducks live on the roof of the hotel, but spend their days in this fountain in the lobby. Every morning, the take the elevator down to the lobby and march across a red carpet to the fountain. They swim around all day, and then at the end of the day they march back across the red carpet and take the elevator back up to the roof. We didn't get to see the show, but Monkey enjoyed watching the ducks swim around.
He didn't enjoy the roof so much.
Here we are at the Rendezvous after having some yummy BBQ.
Monkey slept through lunch, so he got to eat on the trolley.
On Sunday, the three of us drove back to Nashville for my conference. Matt and Monkey spent all day together on Monday while I worked.
Then Matt drove back to Memphis on Monday night, to fly home early Tuesday morning, leaving Monkey and me to watch baseball in the hotel. (Okay, I watched while Monkey slept.) I worked again on Tuesday while Monkey was in the hotel daycare, and then he and I flew home on Wednesday (and in case you forgot, it's not a direct flight).
I'm tired just thinking about it all. Like I said, we didn't make it easy...but we sure did have fun!