20 November 2009

Breaking News

I had this miserable day yesterday. Jonah the Tiger (seen here after our last day of bowling, at which he got his face painted--and I won the league) has been sick with the flu since I got home from Nashvegas Monday night. I'll give you one guess who stayed home with him (and Ava) three days in a row. It was a long three days. Yesterday's fun and games included all of us making a mad dash from the eating area at Costco to the bathroom, Ava trying to eat some paper, and me getting pushed by Jonah.

And then...Ava started walking.

She'd been working on it for a couple of days, taking one little step every now and then, and she'd been standing all on her own for a couple of weeks. But yesterday afternoon, she stood up, pivoted around on one foot, and then took two real steps forward before falling down.

She's been practicing ever since, and I could see how much better she'd gotten between this morning and this evening, when I got home from work. (Note: both these videos are from this evening.)

It's really amazing. At this age, Jonah still had another week before he would even start to crawl, and walking was more than 4 months away.

08 November 2009

Videos (post 3 of 3)

#1: Jonah sings (and plays!) the days of the week--in Spanish.

#2: Ava plays peek-a-boo.

#3: Jonah pops bubbles while wearing his "scary teeth".

Boo! (post 2 of 3)

Halloween = party in neighborhood on 10/29 + party at school on 10/30 + party at cousins' on 10/31 + trick-or-treating for Jonah on 10/31

Let Elmo = Jonah and let Monkey = Ava

Elmo + Monkey = Cuteness!

Vitals (post 1 of 3)

Here's the lowdown: October was a busy month. One trip and a wedding, one birthday, another wedding (local, whew!), and then Halloween. I'm not quite sure where the month has gone. But I do have some lovely documentation of the month.

Stats: Jonah weighed in at 31 pounds and was 39 inches tall at his 3 year old visit. Ava, at her nine month visit, was 18 lbs 12 oz and 28 inches tall. They're both tall and average weight, which is just perfect, in my opinion!

Scenes of the season: