Monkey has had two haircuts in his (nearly) two years. The first one was relatively painless. We took him to Supercuts while visiting Nana in Buffalo, and he was incredibly nonchalant about it.
I don't think I posted about the second one at all, but it was like a totally different Monkey. He cried (screamed, even!), pushed away the hand of the hairstylist, wouldn't hold still...not our favorite morning activity. For weeks, he talked about how he had a haircut and he cried. We were a little concerned that he might hold a grudge against Uncle Brian, since name of the stylist who cut his hair was Brian, but apparently, he understands that different people can have the same name. :)
So needless to say, that second haircut, which was in June, was not the best nor did it last for very long, and he's been sporting quite a 'fro for a few months now (as evidenced in recent photos and videos). Don't get me wrong, for the most part, I think his curls are adorable, but he definitely has his bad hair days. But he wouldn't let anyone go near his head with scissors. The entire time we were in New Jersey, Grandma would ask if she could cut his hair. He would say yes, but as soon as he saw the scissors come out, he would change his tune.
This weekend, Matt decided to start making the case for a haircut with his clippers. Matt has been cutting his own hair (with greater and lesser degrees of success) for many years, and has his own set of clippers. He wondered if Monkey might take better to a full shearing, rather than a snip here and there. So he started showing Monkey the clippers, talking about how they buzzed, and about how Daddy was going to cut his (Daddy's) hair this weekend. And would Monkey like to have his haircut, too?
Well, here are the results:
Totally adorable, in a very different way. And am I the only one who thinks he bears an even more striking resemblance to Uncle Zach now?