23 February 2009
10 February 2009
Jonah tidbits
Here are some of the funny things that have come out of Jonah's mouth lately:
#1: (As Jonah takes off down the hall)
Me: Where are you going?
Jonah: I'm gong to Chinatown!
#2: (I put on a non-maternity shirt that I probably haven't worn since June.)
Jonah: Did you get a new shirt?
Me: Nana is coming to visit us in three days!
Jonah: No, it's four days, honey.
And here's the bonus footage.
Guitar courtesy of Tiffany (thanks, Tiff!). It has rapidly become Jonah's favorite toy. Video courtesy of Matt. Unfortunately, he didn't know you can't rotate a video the way you can a photo!
Posted by
9:07 PM
09 February 2009
Ava's first bath
Grandma was here for almost two weeks, and the first item on her agenda was Ava's first "tub" bath.
As you can see, she enjoyed it fairly well...
Until it was time to get out!
A few minutes of drying off and snuggling with Grandma and she was back to her contented self.
We enjoyed Grandma's visit, as you can see!
Yesterday's post notwithstanding, Jonah remains less than interested in his sister.
However, he has not yet asked us to take her back.
He does love her stuff, though!
Posted by
11:33 AM
08 February 2009
Breaking News!
Jonah let me put Ava next to him long enough to take a photo!!
Right after I took it, he was all done with having her anywhere near him.
Posted by
11:26 AM