27 January 2008


Feeding Monkey used to be so easy. He was breastfed exclusively until he was 6 months old. As long as I was there, his meals were easy to prepare, and he was easy to feed. Even when he was introduced to a bottle, he took to it like a champ.

Once he started eating solids, he was a pretty good eater for a long time - despite how this looks!

But at some point, things changed, and now this kid is picky, picky, picky - especially at dinnertime. I dread dinner some nights, when I'm particularly tired, or Monkey is. Mostly, Matt handles dinner! However, I thought I'd put up a couple of shots of an enjoyable dinner recently.

And here's Monkey using a spoon for the first time. He's not hitting the target so well, but hey...baby steps!


Anonymous said...

He's really "into" the pasta sauce and it looks like he's enjoying it!